The Media Services contribution to the Library Subject Guides is a selective list of video holdings in the American University Library. Filmographies are created by doing multiple keyword searches in the ALADIN catalog to capture as many titles on a topic as possible. For complete up-to-date holdings (including VHS tapes) please refer to the library ALADIN catalog (www.catalog.wrlc.org)
Most streaming videos listed are available exclusively to AU students, staff and faculty after an online authentications by AUID#.
Here’s a sneak peak at what can be found in the recently updated WAR AND THE MEDIA Filmography:
Bill Moyers journal. Bill Moyers journal: Moyers collection. 2007. 1 videodisc (58 min.). "Tracing a President's steps in escalating war, this edition of the Journal looks back to Lyndon Johnson's deliberations on U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Using a compilation of excerpts from taped conversations in which LBJ wrestled with what to do in Southeast Asia, Bill Moyers draws a parallel between two very different men united, across time, by their role as Commander-in-Chief. “Granted, Barack Obama is not Lyndon Johnson, Afghanistan is not Vietnam, and this is now, not then. But listen and you will hear echoes and refrains that resonate today,” says Moyers."--Container. DVD 6797
Frontline journalists: Death and danger in Afghanistan. 2008. 1 videodisc (50 min.). This documentary showcases the chaos and extreme dangers that journalists face in the most war-torn areas of the world. DVD 4209
Imaginary witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust. 2009. 1 videodisc (92 min.). This documentary examines the American film and television industry's response to the rise of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi persecution of the Jews before, during, and after World War II. Uses film clips, newsreel footage and interviews of filmmakers and Holocaust survivors. DVD 8070
The war briefing. 2008. (60 min.). Examines the policy choices the next president will face as he inherits an overstretched military, frayed alliances, and wars on two fronts. Features strategists and diplomats discussing how to correct past failures and how to shape a realistic foreign policy approach in the war against the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Presents on-the-ground reporting from the deadliest battlefield in the mountains of Afghanistan and follows the trail to the militant safe havens deep inside the Pakistani tribal areas. DVD 1085 and Streaming video
See the full War and the Media filmography here.
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