We've been good friends here on Blogger for some time now. In fact, we've been here with you for twelve years. This blog started in 2006 believe it or not!
But, like all rising teenagers, we've started to think seriously about changing our look. We want to be a cooler, more social, staying-out-past-curfew kind of Media Services blog. And so it is with pimply-faced apprehension masquerading as nonchalance that we today announce: we're moving to Wordpress.
That's right! There won't be any more updates here on Blogger, and our new home will be https://blogs.library.american.edu/mediaservices
We've got a lot of cool new features planned, so please take a second to stop by over at wordpress and update any rss feeds or links you may have.
We're looking forward to another 12 years with you! Get excited!