Thursday, August 09, 2012

Should we be enhancing the classics?

With The Hobbit hitting theaters at the end of the year in ultra-high-definition, it's no wonder that electronics manufacturers are racing to produce televisions and home videos with the brightest colors and crispest image. But in this dash for image quality, they might be losing some clarity. What about films with intentionally dark palettes or unclear images? Or why are there high-definition Blu-Ray versions of films from from the 1930s?

The A.V. Club posted a thought-provoking article on this subject, arguing against televisions and video players that enhance the original product to the chagrin of its creators.

This is a sticky subject. Consumer televisions and playback devices are presenting images in stunning, unprecedented quality. But could this be dangerous for viewing older films in the way their directors and cinematographers intended?

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