Thursday, November 04, 2010

Ken Burns and Films on Demand

As an AU student, staff, or faculty member there are thousands of titles available to stream on Films on Demand. Ken Burns has many great ones that can be found by doing an advanced keyword search for "ken burns" in the Films on Demand database. Some of these titles are also available on VHS or DVD in the Media Services collection.

Here are the titles that came up in the advanced keyword search:

Civil War: A Film by Ken Burns - DVD 4731 - 4735, VHS 1255 - 1263
Frank Lloyd Wright
Lewis and Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery - DVD 5964, VHS 4785
Mark Twain - DVD 3289
Thomas Jefferson - HU DVD 6575
Not for Oursleves Alone - DVD 5875, VHS 5947
The Congress - DVD 3257

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